Trump expresses support for senators’ gun bill

The argument in this article is President Trump signaled support for one piece of gun control legislation. On Monday, five days after a mass shooting at a Florida high school left 17 people dead and scores injured. "The president is supportive of efforts to improve the federal background check system," Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, wrote in a statement Monday morning. After a mass shooting in Las Vegas last year, officials said they were studying a ban on bump stocks, an attachment that allows a rifle to fire more frequently. Over the weekend at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Trump weighed gun control measures in conversations with friends, according to people who spoke to him. Trump has faced two of the country's deadliest mass shootings as president, including a gunman opening fire from his hotel room in Las Vegas in October and the shooter at the Parkland school last week. Police say 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz admitted last week that he walked into the school, where he had been a former student - and began shooting at students and staff. After the FBI admitted last week that it failed to investigate a warning from a person close to Cruz that he spoke about violence and might can shoot up a school, Trump criticized the agency's response. In this case the author got his credibility because it was published in the Washington Post which is a well-known source that reaches out to majority of people. If the president is mentioning such thing what do, we expect from people who committing crimes to do. I disagree, with this article because gun should always be banned and especially in schools where poor victims are being targeted. The main reason why I disagree with what the author wrote is, we should focus on how guns can be prevented, because in every mass shootings there will be debate about how can we prevent guns! At the same time there are people who is going to blame it on mental illness. Instead to waste our time on that we should pay more attention to how can we not let anyone buy a gun easily. It is definitely hard to check everyone in this country and see if he or she has mental problems, but it is easy to stop people from buying guns. 


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