Trump claims to have most effective administration since Truman. It’s another huge lie.

The argument in this article is about how President Trump is arrogant and a liar.
Donald Trump yesterday claimed that he has had the most effective first-year of any president
since Truman, who held the earlier record - but now, Trump has even beat Truman! Except it
was all a lie. Trump has had the least effective first-year of any president, including Truman.
Trump fared the worst: All of this might be funny if it were not so dangerous. Just as troubling is
the fact that Trump seems not all there in the head. It is difficult to imagine someone so willing
to lie so boldly about a fact that is easily checked. Trump lies with every breath, and we all roll
our eyes with a Reaganesque "There he goes again." The author has very good credibility
according to his education level.  Aravosis has a joint law degree and master's degree in Foreign
Service from Georgetown, where he studied under former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
He also has an undergraduate degree in Rhetoric from the University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign, and a Diplôme Supérieur from the Cours de Civilisation Française of the Sorbonne,
in Paris, France I do agree with the author, according to the evidence Trump did not beat
Truman. Truman did not hold the record — Kennedy did. In fact, Trump has had the least
effective first-year of any president, including Truman. Trump never admit that he is making
many mistakes. He thinks he is right all the time. Also, Trump changes the truth by saying he got
the best effective first year of any president since Truman, while the fact is the opposite of what
he mentioned.


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